Thursday, November 29, 2012

Swimming with butanding

Butanding is tagalog for whale shark.  They are kind, large sharks that inhabit warm tropical areas like around the Philippines.  They can be as long as 18 meters.
Whale shark with a snorkeler.  Picture is from
Today, Cindy and I took an excursion to the town of Donsol, to swim with the whale shark.  We took a 1.5 hour van ride south to Donsol and then cruised in a boat searching for a whale shark.  Peak season is May to March where one can see as much as ten different whale sharks in one three hour trip; we're way off peak season.  After four hours of cruising with no significant sign of a whale shark, we decided to head back.  On our way back, we spotted one whale shark!
On our first jump, I swam four meters above the whale shark's trunk for about twenty seconds before I lost him.  The guide had pointed him out to me while he held onto my wrist and pulled me along.  My ability to keep up with the whale shark was severely limited because I'm essentially a non-swimmer and had a life vest on.  But, I swam with the fish!  Once we came up, I saw Cindy's disappointed face.  She had totally missed it because she was looking in front of her but not below her.  Doh!
Fortunately, there was a second sighting of the same shark minutes after we boarded the boat.  We took a second jump and swam with it again but only for about ten seconds.  Cindy said she swam above it's head.  I caught it's tail.  What an experience. 
Swimming with the giant fish is definitely worth the four hour boat ride!  We snapped photos and slept to help kill the time.  Click on the slideshow below to view it full screen. Enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. OMG you guys look great and having loads of fun! blending in. Max will love the pictures! We can't wait to hear the stories!
